Monday, March 10, 2008


today was an ass day.
but, because i don't exactly feel like rehashing all the little things that accumulated into "assness," i'll just give you the short list:
  1. i'm broke
  2. i hate school
  3. my throat is sore
  4. i'm broke
but, oh well. i have a new blog, and it'll make me feel all better.
i don't even know why i started this thing, 'cause lord knows i don't usually have any bright ideas or valid insights on current events. shit, i'm not even gonna use capital letters.

but it's mine. and it's bright and shiny and new.

i think maybe i'll use this blog to do my creative writing. shit always gets started on crusty old napkins and inbetween class notes -- but i never do anyting with it.


i've written something already, and that's all i really wanted to do tonight anyway.

i'll figure the rest out later.

love, love

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